Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First Day of Summer Vaca - Baking Korean Hot Dog Bread

Happy Summer!!!  Nathaniel is officially out of school.  Goodbye, 2nd grade!  Although he expressed that he was sad school was over because he is going to miss all of his friends, he is so happy about "waking up whenever he wants to."  

Last day of school picnic
This girl loves her string cheese.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Photo Dump

Pictures from this past weekend:

We celebrated 11 years for this handsome little man.  He is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful boys I know.  He received lots of money as gifts and told everyone that he's going to save half of it all to give to Nathaniel for his birthday.  So sweet, I know.  I told him to spend it on himself because they were gifts for him.  But no wonder Jesus tells us to be more like children.  I don't know any adults, including myself, who would be willing to give half of all they owned to a friend.  God sure did use the birthday boy to teach me about being a true friend.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Answered Prayers

My son.  I love him.

I learn so much from his gentle, patient, compassionate, and selfless, little soul.

He has been asking lots of intriguing questions post baptism.  Praise God!  It means that he's thinking, talking things through in his mind, and wanting to learn and grow in Jesus.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Best Mother's Day Gift Ever!

Warning:  Lots of pictures!

Mother's Day festivities started on Friday when my son got home from school.  He ran off the bus with a personally decorated cake from Publix for me.  I love my son.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Our Wednesday's

Wednesday nights are guitar lesson nights for Nathaniel.  We just recently started up guitar again because he received an awesome, red, rock n roll, electric guitar from his Auntie Fujii this past Christmas.  Ever since watching "School of Rock," he has been inspired to become a rock star.  He even dressed up as one for Career Day to school last year.

I think Mr. George's (his new teacher) "super fast" guitar skills have been motivating him, because he has been all about practicing.  He actually wanted to practice before lessons, and when we got back home, he wanted to practice and play as soon as we got out of the car.  Um, where is my son and what have you done with him?!  His eagerness to practice makes me and daddy so very happy.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Parenting Is NOT Easy

Whoever said parenting is supposed to be easy has either never been a parent or is a neglectful parent.  I stand behind that 110%.

I've always thought that it should be easier.  Not necessarily easy, but should it really be this hard?  Yes.  It is very hard.  This past week, I've come to realize many of my own flaws as a person and as a mother, and how my flaws affect my children.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Photo Dump

Just some pictures from this past week:

Walking the kitchen runway in my wedges.  She loved the noise it made on the tiles.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Frugal Summer Activities for All

Nathaniel has exactly 10 more days of school left!  Let the countdown to summer vacation begin!

I received a request from a friend to list some budget-friendly activities that she could enjoy with her love when he visits for two weeks at the end of July.  I decided to make a list of all types of activities that you can use as either a frugal, but fun, date with your significant other OR as a family event.

With my kids home with me all day, every day during the summer, we will be trying lots of these activities.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Happy first day of May!  I can't believe it's May already.  Summer is fast approaching, and I couldn't be any more excited. 

Summer means longer days, later mornings, more adventures, lots of ice cream, and even more grilling.